Camp Chai
A Summer Day Camp For Children Kindergarden Through 9th grade -- Where Kids Create Positive Identities, Friendships & Memories
Tennis/Swim Camp: Monday, July 13 - Friday, July 17
Camp Chai: Monday, July 20 - Friday, July 24
Camp Chai: Monday, July 27 - Friday, July 31
Camp Chai has been an important part of the Jewish community in Sonoma County
for over 25 years. It is a wonderful place for children to experience camp in a
safe, well organized program. Many of our counselors and CIT’s are previous
campers who have experienced the love of camp and want to share it with others.
Our Director for many years, Rick Concoff, is a local educator, youth leader and
Jewish advocate who brings years of experience with him.
Our program includes Jewish traditions, arts and crafts, active games, story telling, singing, Israeli dance and food, field trips and Shabbat celebration. Most importantly,Camp Chai offers the opportunity to bond with other Jewish children, and together, campers learn about their shared heritage in a fun, active, child-centered atmosphere. The Camp Chai program also includes learning and saying daily blessings, expressing gratitude, and looking how we interact with others in our daily life. All are welcome regardless of religious practice.
Camp Chai is a program of the Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County and is supported by the funds from the Annual Campaign of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, Marin, and Sonoma Counties.